Project Show
Event Start Date : 26/10/2013 Event End Date 26/10/2013
DAV, VASANT KUNJ Connects with Society through ‘Helpers’

The students of class 1 presented a colourful show on 26th October, 2013 connecting with various strata of society through their Project Show on ‘Our Helpers’. Tiny Tots spoke about the role of various helpers in society displaying extreme sensitivity on respect for all, dignity of labour and the freedom to choose one’s profession. They also sensitized the audience on social evils like child labour by their touching portrayal of children working in roadside tea stalls. The Principal, Mrs. Anju Puri welcomed the parents expressing deep gratitude for being committed and involved in all the school endeavours. They mesmerized their audience with their confidence on stage, their oratorical skills and their understanding of the society and the role that each individual plays in making this world a better place to live.. The various dances and dialogues highlighted the value of friends, family and relatives in our lives to give meaning to our joys and sorrows. The grand finale dance highlighted the theme of spreading one’s wings and flying towards the skies unknown by choosing professioh of their own choice as these young angels believe that such freedom is the key to true happiness in life. They also gave the message to the parents to guide them but not to force them to follow a well trodden path. The Principal motivated the children with her gracious words. The most commendable feature of the show was 100% participation by the children.