Library Rules
The Library is the nerve centre of the school
Our School has a well-furnished Library, with a rich collection of various types of books, under the charge of a well-qualified Librarian. Library periods are provided to all the classes in which they visit the Library to read the magazines, books and encyclopaedias etc. Besides, they utilise these periods for getting the books issued too, to study them at home.

For better utilisation of the school library all the students are advised to keep the following points in mind
- Library books, magazines and furniture are the property of the school and must not be marked, damaged or taken from the library without permission.
- Borrower's Cards are issued to each student at the beginning of the new session and the boo"5 are issued to them on the presentation of these cards.
- A Duplicate Library card will be issued to a student when he/she informs the Hbrarian in writing, of the loss of the first card and pays a fine of Rs. 20/-.
- Books are lent for 7 days. No new book is issued till the previous book is returned.
- If a book is not returned within the intimated time, the reader will have to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- per week.
- Any loss of the book may please be intimated to the Librarian in writing. The student should either replace it or pay its cost along with a fine of Rs. 25/-.
- No personal book is permitted tobe taken into the Library.
- Magazines, Journals and Reference Books are not for being issued and these must be handled with care in the Library.